
Signs it's Time to Consider Filing for Bankruptcy

The decision to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy is one that should not be taken lightly. That doesn't mean debtors should consider this solution to be completely off the table, though. Those who are no longer able to pay off their debts often find that choosing to file for bankruptcy is the best way to get a fresh start. The first step toward regaining financial independence is to find a bankruptcy attorney who can help. Read on to find out about a few signs that it might be time to start looking into options below. Paying Living Expenses With Credit Cards There's nothing wrong with using credit cards to pay bills. However, it's important that consumers be able to pay off the balance of these credit cards. Those who are finding that they have to use their cards to pay for their living expenses because all the money they are earning is being used to make minimum monthly payments may want to start looking into filing for bankruptcy. Collection Calls and Letters It...